Version 5 of Light Box (April 2018) is now available on iOS, Kindle Fire and Android.
Adds additional scenes, new options and better performance on newer hardware

Version 4.0 of Sound Box is available on the App Store with improved performance, 64-bit support and iOS9 fixes. December 2015’s update fixes the soft keyboard popup problem in iOS9 when using keyboard switches to control scenes.

Face Games for Autism is a more systematic version of the All Smiles and Odd Face Out apps I wrote for Android/iOS a few years ago.

On the plus side, MindWave is an increasingly cheap EEG headset which is much easier to persuade people to wear and the API is Open enough to hack games and the like (higher resolution raw EEG streams are encrypted and require a tidy fee).

FreeVOCA is a simple free app for Windows, OSX and iPad which allows us to publish some of the AAC sound boards from PhotoVOCA.

Funded by Nominet Trust, I’m working with Lansbury Bridge School and The Rix Centre to look at free and open-source head and eye-tracking solutions which can be used to replace the standard computer mouse.
Most Rix Centre projects are concerned with web content creation by and with people with intellectual disabilities. Generally Rix works with people who have mild and moderate intellectual disabilities and use camera created content supplemented by small runs of easy read text.
Created initially as a Word Press plugin in 2008, Speeka also supports conversion of generic html pages to MP3.
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