5th March 2018

Light Box Updates

Version 5 of Light Box (April 2018) is now available on iOS, Kindle Fire and Android.

Adds additional scenes, new options and better performance on newer hardware

Desktop Freeware Progress

Changes to the desktop version include better performance and more interesting animations for automatic/latch timer interaction. Light Box makes most sense as a touchscreen application, but I’m using it as a test bed for cause and effect with new access devices on the desktop – so have added support for mice, eye gaze, MaKey, LEAP motion etc. Support for dwell selection and windowed use is in the works – this will improve things for gaze users in particular.

Most recently I’ve added support for NeuroSky MindWave – quite usable as a blink switch, but eSenses can also be displayed regardless of the actual control method being used. Was going to add eSense logging, but I’m not really convinced by them yet.

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